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I read a timely article from itincanadaonline.ca on how bad it really is with Malware. It is designed to attack my device. This is not good. McAfee suggests I put security software in quickly. The article which is really quite scary, made me very uncomfortable. Furthermore, I will need to put some software on my phone to be able to lock or wipe it if I lose it. A few years ago, I was going on a cruise and put my Blackberry in my luggage and it was stolen. In those days I did not have email on it only contact information. But now, if I lost my phone, ALL of my contacts are on there. What would happen then… And my email for the last 2 weeks is on there as well. So now I have to put two solutions on my phone – anti-virus and security software.

We partnered with a company called Soti a while ago and bad me has not installed their software on my new Android. So, I will be doing this right away. Next I will be looking at the anti-virus. I want to do more research
before I just put security software on there. There are lots of options and some of them are existing partners with us but I want to get the best one. I will keep you posted.